Saturday, October 26, 2013

Communication and Collaboration Final Blog

This week I attended a training and participated in an activity that was very appropriate to this current class on Communication and Collaboration.  The activity involved 5 participants who were each given an envelope that contained three pieces of a puzzle.  But, the pieces did not match .  For the activity, the members of the group had to exchange pieces to gather three pieces that would fit together to form a square.  However, according to the directions,  the participants couldn't talk and couldn't take from anyone else.  At first the group still tried individually to put their pieces together.  Then some of the members decided to give others some of their pieces.  As a result one person had a completed puzzle while everyone else still looked on.  Eventually, everyone got the idea and began to freely give their pieces to the others and quickly each person was able to complete their puzzle.  This simple activity had many good lessons.  First, it made us realize the importance of communication.   This activity would have been so much easier had the participants been able to talk to one another.  Second, a lesson about collaboration was learned.  Had the group not shared what they had or did not give up something to others,  no one would have been able to complete their puzzle.  A willingness to give and put the needs of the group ahead of individual needs helped the group make progress and achieve it's goals.  

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my colleagues from this course.  I appreciate your willingness to share and collaborate.  I know that I learned more as I read all of your discussions and blogs and got feedback from all of you.  Thank you!   

1 comment:

  1. Terri,
    Thank you for all your support and feedback. The activity you took part in sounds like a great lesson on communication and collaboration. I wish you the best of luck in the future. I have always been interested in your perspectives because you work for QRS like I do. I hope your state continues their work to improve quality of child care. Thanks again.
    Mary Jo
