Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Supports

I am fortunate to have many supports in my life, including my husband, my family and my friends.  Raising two children while working full time and taking classes for my graduate degree. I often rely on the support of those arround me.  My husband provides emotional support to me when the stress of my busy schedule seems to be too much.   My friends and family also help provide emotional support as well as help to care for my children and their needs.  In addition to the people I have supporting me, I rely on electronics to communicate with others, keep my schedule, remind me of important tasks and complete my work.  I also rely on my car for work and for my personal life.  Living in a rural area, having transportation is an essential part of life.  Without any one of these supports, my life would be much more difficult.  Of these supports, I could live without the electronics because they could be replaced with other methods to organize my life.  However, the supports of my family and friends would be impossible to replace.  I can not imagine my life without them.

I am also fortunate that I am physically able, however I have often thought about the supports I would need if I had a physical disability.  For example, if I had lost muscle  control of my arm, leg or another part of my body, I would need the support of a device to help me get around.  I would also need the supports of a doctor, hospital and physical therapist.  I would need the supports of others for income if  I were unable to work.  I would also need the supports of my family and friends and maybe others in the community to do the things that I would not be able to physically do and to help me handle these challenges emotionally.  I have a hard time relying on others and I don't like to ask for help, but with a physical disability I would need to have others help with things that I would  not otherwise be able to do..  From basic care and management of my needs and that of my home and family I would need to rely on the supports of others.  I can't imagine having medical needs but not having the support of a doctor and hospital staff.  I also can't imagine how difficult life would be without the devices that would allow me to get around on my own and do some things by myself.  I also think that my friends and family would be even more of a source of support as I would need their help as well as their love and support.